Sep 17, 2009

Pavement Reunion?

Greatest band of all time?
The Beatles-obvious choice
The Rolling Stones-ditto
Do I hear Radiohead or Animal Collective for recent times?
Obviously all things Wolf/Sunset related are massive for me at the moment.

But, but...
It's Pavement! (for me).
They wrote songs like nobody's business, angular melodies, cryptic lyrics and a cool that no marketing campaign can buy.

In their prime they visited Australia 3 times and I saw them all on each trip, the last time being in 1996. Oh happy memories. Now comes news from Pitchfork, that the band are reforming in 2010. At this stage they are playing Central Park SummerStage in September. Who knows after that? Coachella? ATP? Generally speaking I am against reunions. They always seem forced and motivated by money. Bands playing the same songs long after the thrill has gone. Pavement seemed to exist in a perfect bubble, quitting before they ever went into decline. Right now I am not sure if I like this reunion idea. Maybe they should maintain the mystique and not return. But it is PAVEMENT!!!!! So it could work...


  • At September 19, 2009 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    This was too unreal to pass up. I got tickets for the NY Summerstage show today, they went in a flash; so they put up a 2nd date right away.


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